la princesse a dit qu'elle se couche avec le monde...pas vrai! je me couche seulement avec toi!
sa cauti fara sa stii cine-i, si totusi sa fii sigura ca ai sa-l gasesti... printesa timp de o zi, tot timpul; un copil vesel care se joaca, rade si mai presus de toate, uita...
-adevarul se afla in cuvintele lui ca altcineva si in fotografiile pe care vi le face pe fuga tot el sau chiar timpul-
-adevarul se afla in cuvintele lui ca altcineva si in fotografiile pe care vi le face pe fuga tot el sau chiar timpul-
marți, 20 octombrie 2009
Le grande, pour les petits enfants.
i reckon it makes you even worse when you cant say it then when you, cunt, say it. and i cant live with it. am boala asta in mine, imi provoaca febra, greata si varsaturi, dureri cumplite de stomac, o sfarseala de nedescris in oase si crampe musculare in somn. si nu e ca si cum n-as mai fi incercat sa dorm pana acum. am dormit si inca foarte bine, cred ca e de sezon insa, imi amintesc foarte clar ca anul trecut pe vremea asta eram incolacita in jurul unui munte de pastile si de sticle goale. e felul corpului meu de a-si aminti de toata durerea fizica, da zic fizica, pe care mi-ai provocat-o intr-un timp atat de... nu stiu daca scurt e la fel de fidel realitatii ca ireal. si ma tot scurg, si ma tot sfarsesc asa, cateva zile pe an, nu multe dar nici foarte putine. sunt momentele cheie si asocierile absurde prin absenta si de altfel o foarte sanatoasa lipsa de sens. am subestimat capitolul asta, cred ca e cazul sa incepem sa vorbim despre toata cartea si capata proportiile, nu ale Micului Larousse, ci ale unuia imens insa tot pentru copii...
duminică, 11 octombrie 2009
(...) and then he asked her why do you keep looking for the edge? why kant anything be less than irreplaceable with you? why do I have to make it impossible for you to live in order to make you love ME more?
little that he knew, there is nothing but the edge. a long edge of craving, i was abducted by infinitive-ism and i loath normal. there was a small plastic bag with the intestinal remains of a bitter lunch and i can just walk by such a thing because they have all been so great, so grand, so numerous, so out of it. i fit in. anywhere, im so good at everything, i can do it all. im smart and nice, beautiful and warm, welcoming in all of those moments, im a good little cunt, im a catch. and all of those good features just to fuck up your inner self. im not good in and out, i dont know, but nothing that wants to last is forever here. cliché up until you too can fall in love me with me because i taste soooo good. edgy focused bitch. ask the man who gave up a hand for me...
sâmbătă, 10 octombrie 2009
where is back
i dont know where i am and i dont remember how i got here. i dont know the way back and i dont know where is back. i dont see why i should stay and i cannot remember where did i want to go. i dont see you and i dont see why i should see myself. i cannot open the door and i refuse to close the window. i dont think i should move and i cannot hear you telling me to stop. i wont take a peek through the looking glass and i wont remember my face. you dont have to know me and i dont have to remember your face. they dont have to know us and i wont remember the face.
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