im not changing anything but scenery after scenery. the story remains the same though. and we are all getting bored of it. of putting up with people you loathe and falling for the ones who loathe you. arent we all getting a bit bored here? i left then and now its good, now im no one but i know i will return to be even a bigger curiosity than i was before. and i dont remember if i want it anymore. and i cannot put myself into following the tacit rules of social conduct, im so full of shit actually, im a mean fucked up bitch. and it was good to have people around you that have no idea but what happens when all of you comes stumbling upon all that pile of bullshit nice girl you ve built up. and when you unveil the ruthless logic of your twisted mind what then? cause im not mean, im just fucked up and i lack edges. i need you to draw a line for me, please.