la princesse a dit qu'elle se couche avec le monde...pas vrai! je me couche seulement avec toi!

sa cauti fara sa stii cine-i, si totusi sa fii sigura ca ai sa-l gasesti... printesa timp de o zi, tot timpul; un copil vesel care se joaca, rade si mai presus de toate, uita...

-adevarul se afla in cuvintele lui ca altcineva si in fotografiile pe care vi le face pe fuga tot el sau chiar timpul-

luni, 11 ianuarie 2010

sin titulo

tratare de escribir en español pero se que no me saldra bien. no me saldran las palabras obviamente porque no son las mias. y no es porque lo escribo para ti, es porque a veces cuando pienso en nosotros follando siento un cierto tipo de calor que me viene por dentro mientras que las manos empiezan a escalofriar. por eso estoy siempre cálida. 

joi, 7 ianuarie 2010


the only reason why you´re here is because i pictured you here before. i closed my eyes and i could smell your skin, i took a deep breath and i could hear your voice, and every step of the way i felt arms around me and it all seemed so familiar. i wasnt nervous, i was anxious to live everything i had already known about your nights. its true i wasnt sure what to do with my eyes, where to put my voice how to move my hands, you were there too. its true i was all me. and the fact that now it became true cannot be a fact anymore. i cant breathe and somewhere in my stomach there is a hollow point, it tickles and my hands get cold instantly, i cant feel my heart beating anymore and my head is spinning. you breathe, fill me up, warm up every inch, every word i say is my heart beating and you re holding my head in your hands.