la princesse a dit qu'elle se couche avec le monde...pas vrai! je me couche seulement avec toi!

sa cauti fara sa stii cine-i, si totusi sa fii sigura ca ai sa-l gasesti... printesa timp de o zi, tot timpul; un copil vesel care se joaca, rade si mai presus de toate, uita...

-adevarul se afla in cuvintele lui ca altcineva si in fotografiile pe care vi le face pe fuga tot el sau chiar timpul-

luni, 16 martie 2009

even numbers.

i wish i didnt think about tomorow, but i know. it was an accidental knowledge for what is worth. but if you were to ask me its not worth that much. i have something for you and i have to admit i would like u to have it. talk about worthless things, the only thing that little book is worth is the fact that i immediately thought about buying it for you. which i did. i will see that it reaches you but i wont be writing all of this on a front or last page because i cant. i am writing all of it here. my wall of shame... we both have different prefixes now, its even more shameless when you think of it that way. but you dont think of it anymore, i know that. or, you”ll be thinking about it for the rest of your friday nights. i admit i cant know that as you never... i think this is enough. you and never are all my sentences need. happy birthday.


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